20242023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010-2009



Shota served as Chair of the external review team for the UC Merced undergraduate Chemistry program review (3/17-18/2025).

Dileep, Nhu, and Alex presented their researches at the DEB retreat (3/15/2025). Dileep received the Best Presentation Award for both his oral and poster.

The Atsumi Lab’s activities at the 25th R. B. Miller Symposium (3/6-7/2025).

  1. Bryant, Jada, and Shannon served on the student organizing committee.
  2. Bryant had the honor of introducing Prof. Jennifer Doudna, and Jada introduced Prof. Frances Arnold.
  3. Alex, Bryant, Dileep, Nhu, and Twisha presented their research through poster presentations.
  4. Alex received an ACS Sacramento Poster Award.
  5. Shota chaired the symposium.



Dileep’s manuscript has been published in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.


Bryant‘s manuscript has been published in Metabolic Engineering.

Amey has joined our lab.

Julian has joined our lab as a BMCDB rotation student.



Dileep presented his research at the DEB Pizza Talk (11/21/2024).


Gabe (Ginkgo Bioworks), a former graduate student from our group, gave a seminar for the Careers in Chemistry series (10/25/2024).

Shota served as an external examiner for Hao Wei’s Ph.D. defense at Uppsala University (10/25/2024).
gave a seminar at Chemistry-Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University (10/24/2024)

Bryant presented his research at BMCDB T32 annual retreat (10/19/2024).


Jada presented her research at NOBCChE’s 51st Annual Meeting (9/30-10/3/24, Orland, FL).

Dani joins the lab as an MGG rotation student.

Shannon’s paper has been published in Metabolic Engineering.

Shota gave a seminar in the Earth and Planetary Sciences department at the University of Texas at San Antonio (9/20/24, zoom).


Jayce had her exit seminar (8/12/2024).

Victoria, Leonard, Kevin, Jade, Lianglong, and Melany successfully completed the ACS Project SEED program (8/8/2024).

Shota served as a co-convener with Rebecca Lennen (Lygos) for the Biosynthesis I (commodity chemicals & biomaterials) session at the SIMB annual meeting (8/7/2024, Boston, MA).

Win (BMCDB) did his rotation (8/5-9/18/2024).


Shota gave a seminar at IMAT (7/12/2024)

Shota gave a seminar at Hiroshima University (7/11/2024)

Shota gave a seminar at Tokyo University of Agriculture (Nodai, 7/10/2024)


Spring 2024 Graduate Studies Commencement (6/13/2024) Congrats, Jayce!


Alex presented his research at the DEB pizza talk (5/29/24).

Twisha presented her research at the 2024 Richard Larock conference (5/18/2024).

Bryant presented a poster at Chemical Biology at the Bay Area (5/11/24).

Jayce presented a poster at SynBioBeta 2024 (5/6-9/2024).


Bryant presented a poster at the BMCDB showcase (4/12/24).

Alex was awarded the NSF GRFP. Congrats, Alex!

Jayce gave a STEM talk and won 2nd place at the DEB retreat. Bryant and Nhu presented posters. Nhu received the best poster award (4/6/24).

Jayce‘s efforts to recycle lab plastic waste won the award for Sustainable Laboratory of the Year.

Jayce presented her research at the DEB pizza talk (4/3/2024).

Shannon’s review article about the microbial production of human milk oligosaccharides has been published in Current Opinion in Food Science.

Jayce presented the NSF ELiS project and received the RSC Chemical Biology Poster award at the 24th RB Miller symposium (3/14-15/2024).