November 2020

Shota gave a talk at the UCI Cabon-Capture Symposium (zoom, 11/30/2020).

Shota gave a special leture at the Hokkaido Univeristy (zoom, 11/23, 30/2020).

Jake presented his research at the 2020 International Student Workshop (zoom, 11/21/2020).

October 2020

Shota gave a virtual seminar at UMass-Amherst, MCB  (zoom, 10/20/2020).

September 2020

Shota attended the virtual “Rules of Life: Complexity in Algal Systems” workshop (zoom, 9/25/2020).

Morgan was selected for a 2020 IIFH Innovator Fellow and will work with Better Ventures (09/01/2020).

July 2020

Shota is promoted to a full professor (07/01/2020).

May 2020

Conan and Ivan presented their researches at the 2020 Larock Undergraduate Ressearch Conference (Zoom, 5/16/2020). Conan shared the best presentation award in Chemical Biology session I.

Conan presented his research at the 31st Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities Conference and won the popular choice award for the rockstar video contest (Zoom, 5/7/2020).

April 2020

Morgan talked about how to engineer Dino DNA at SCInema (4/26/2020).

Jake presented his research at the Plant Biology seminar series (PBI291, 4/21/2020).

Morgan was a top-ten finalist of the 2020 Grad-Slam competition.

March 2020

Morgan won 1st place for her poster presentation and Angela won audience favorite talk prize at the DEB retreat (03/07/2020).

Morgan and Angela presented their research at the poster session of the Miller symposium (03/12/2020)

February 2020

Angela presented her research at DEB pizza talk (02/26/2020).

January 2020

Jayce joins the lab.