December 2021

Shota joins the Committee on Carbon Utilization, Infrastructure, Markerts, Research, and Development at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (12/2021-01/2025).

November 2021

Shota gave a department seminar (11/16/21).

Morgan’s IBA tolerance paper has been published in Metabolic Engineering.

SummerJerome, and Dan join the lab as a Chemistry rotation student.

Tressa joins the lab as a BMCDB rotation student.

October 2021

Kristen and Shuhei joins the lab as a Chemistry rotation student.

September 2021

Joey joins the lab as a Chemistry rotation student.

Alexander joins the lab as a MGG rotation student.

Morgan had her exit seminar (Zoom, 9/8/21). Congrats, Dr. Matson!

August 2021

Angela had her exit seminar (Zoom, 8/18/21). Congrats, Dr. Zhang!

June 2021

We will work with Zymochem and Berben’s lab for ARPA-E EcoSynBio project (Egghead Blog).

May 2021

Mateo presented his research at the 2021 Larock Undergraduate Conference and won the best presentation award in Chemical Biology shared with two other students (Zoom, 5/15/21).

Angela gave a poster presentation at Chemical BIology in the Bay Area Day (Zoom, 5/8/21).

April 2021

Angela gave a talk at CBIG meeting (Zoom, 4/21/21).

Jake gave a STEM talk at 30th Annual Biotechnology Training Retreat (Zoom, 4/8/21).

Angela’s paper has been published in Metabolic Engineering.

March 2021

Angela’s paper has been accepted for publication in Metabolic Engineering (3/25/2021).

Shota gave a keynote lecture at 12th international phycological congress (remote, 3/23/2021).

Tanner gave his 3rd year seminar (03/19/2021).

Our paper has been selected as one of 25 landmark papers published in Nature Bitechnology for the celebration of its 25th anniversary. Shota’s blog post about the paper is on the Nature Bioengineering Community.

Shota joins the editorial board of Marine Biotechnology.

February 2021

Angela got a best poster award in Biochemistry at the 21st Miller Symposium (2/26/2021).

Gabrielle joins the lab as a rotation student from PBGG (2/16/2021).